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Low-Cost Guerrilla Marketing

Guerrilla Marketing Ideas – Starting at Less than $50

The most effective marketing is not always the most expensive. In this section of our website we feature several Guerrilla Marketing Examples that are innovative, effective, and budget-friendly.  We’ve organized them by budget ranging from Less than $50 to $200. Our coaches are standing by to answer questions or for a “brainstorming” session. Call or e-mail.

Click the prices below to see which products fall under each price range.

$50 and Under

Promo Cards


Mailing list

Punch Cards

Scratch Offs

$100 and Under

Vinyl Stickers



$150 and Under

Bounce Back Flyers

Business Lists

Sidewalk Signs

$200 and Under

Yard Signs

Door Hangers

Feather Flags

Promo Stickers

DIY Mailing

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