Selling Medicare Insurance?

Here’s a Great Way to Reach Seniors Turning 65

Step 1 – Purchase a Mailing List of Seniors Turning 65

We can target seniors turning 65
by geography and their birthday month

Only 8¢ per contact! ($80 for 1000)

Step 2 – Order 1000 Custom Designed 4×6 Postcards

We can create a custom design to suit your needs. Once you see the first draft, we will make changes until you are sattisfied with the design. 

Only $138 for 1000 Postcards 

Step 3 – Pay The Balance

Once you pay the balance of the order, we’ll print & ship the postcards to you along with email you the mailing list.

For an Extra 4¢ we can also print the mailng list on peel & stick Avery labels and them to you as well!

Step 4 – Buy a Roll of 48¢ Stamps and Mail The Postcards

A 4×6 postcards qualifies for a 48¢ stamp. once you get your list and postcards, add a stamp and start sending them out!

Need helping with a plan to send them out? Check out out “$48 a week Challenge! CLICK HERE 

Full Service Mailings
Also Available

If you don’t want to send them out yourself, we have the option to send out a full service mailing for you! 

CLICK HERE for Pricing

For More Information, Call 866-594-3069
or Fill Out The Form Below

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