SIC Code 63 – Insurance Carriers

This major group includes carriers of insurance of all types, including reinsurance.

Subcategories are listed in order from general (3-Digit) to more specific (4-Digit) industry

631 - Life Insurance6311 - Life Insurance
632 - Accident and Health Insurance and Medical6321 - Accident and Health Insurance
6324 - Hospital and Medical Service Plans
633 - Fire, Marine, and Casualty Insurance6331 - Fire, Marine, and Casualty Insurance
635 - Surety Insurance6351 - Surety Insurance
636 - Title Insurance6361 - Title Insurance
637 - Pension, Health, and Welfare Funds6371 - Pension, Health, and Welfare Funds
639 - Insurance Carriers, Not Elsewhere Classified6399 - Insurance Carriers, Not Elsewhere Classified

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