Now Offering Phone Number & Email Lists
If you want to add phone numbers or emails to your marketing strategy, you can now add them to your postal mailing list orders.
Postal Mailing Lists with

Minimum Order $100
up to 1000 Addresses
Postal Mailing Lists with

Minimum Order $375
up to 2500 Addresses
Postal Mailing Lists with

Minimum Order $425
up to 2500 Addresses
Business Mailing List with

Minimum Order $750
up to 2500 Addresses

Postal Mailing Lists with Phone Number:
10¢ per contact
1000 Address Minimum Order.
Includes both: Postal address and number.
Phone numbers are land lines only and are all verified numbers not on the The National Do Not Call Registry.
Postal Mailing Lists with Email Addresses:
15¢ per contact
2500 Address Minimum Order.
Includes both: postal address and email address.
Emails are all ran through validation to remove undeliverable addresses, complainers, spam traps & more.

Postal Mailing Lists with
Email Addresses & Phone Numbers:
17¢ per contact
2500 Address Minimum Order.
Includes: Postal address and email address and phone number.
Business Mailing Lists with
Emails & Phone Numbers:
30¢ per contact
2500 Address Minimum Order.
Includes: Business name, business address,
top contact, phone number and email address

Start by defining your geographic market area by zip code, city, county or state. Then determine the demographics that describe your best prospects, such as age, income, interests, etc.