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We Use a “4 Point Postcard Design Strategy” That Works!
The purpose of a postcard is to generate a lead; it’s a “lure” not a brochure. Over the years we’ve developed a very effective design strategy that works for just about any business or service. Watch the video for some postcard design tips that if used will be certain to improve effectiveness.
Here Are The 4 Points:

1. The Glance Test
A Postcard always reaches the prospect. Everyone gets their daily mail but they sort through it quickly. You’ve only got a precious few seconds to grab the attention of the recipient, you must pass the glance test.

2. The Magnet
Every postcard should have a special offer or magnet to motivate the prospect to respond. It doesn’t always have to be a discount but it must have a big enough perceived value to work.

3. Your Claim to Fame
What makes your business or service unique, or different from your competition? We’ll help you identify your strengths and highlight them.

4. Call to Action
What will the client be thinking after reading your postcard? If your call to action is “BUY NOW” or “CALL NOW”, what happens if the prospect isn’t sold yet? Your call to action must cover every scenario.

Our Postcards include a “NO Risk” Design Guarantee
Here’s how it works:
After we send the first draft of the postcard, clients tell us what changes they would like. We make the changes and send another proof. There is never a charge for changes and changes are unlimited. We want our clients to be delighted with their postcard design, not only how it looks but what it says.
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Monday – Friday 9:00am – 7:00pm Eastern