How to Create an Auto or
Homeowner Insurance Mailing List

Use Auto or Homeowner Insurance mailing lists to target consumers in your market area by reaching them at home. We can help build an effective Auto/Homeowner Insurance mailing list using your specific criteria.

1- How to create auto or homeowners insurance mailing list

Start by Defining Your Market Area

Choices are zip code, city, county, state or nationwide. For businesses like an auto repair shop with a fixed location a radius from your address would work well. Mobile businesses like auto insurance sales can limit the geography considering the territory that want to travel. A coach can discuss and make suggestions for your specific needs.

2- Identify the type of Insurance

Depending on what segment of the market you are interested in you can use demographics to refine your search. Insurance lists have a two options: Homeowner insurance renewal date and Auto insurance renewal date.

3- Identify the Insurance Owner

Aside from selecting the demographics for the insurance type. Owner demographics can also be incorporated. Income level, home value, type of vehicle, vehicle year, gender and age are available. Keep in mind that the more specific the mailing list requirements the smaller the count results. A mailing list coach can review options with you and help to make selections that will result in the most effective list for your needs.

4- How to take “Reach” and “Frequency” into consideration

Is it better to 1500 prospects once or 500 prospects 3 times?
Every marketer has a budget and wants to get the most “mileage” from their allocated dollars. However, many focus on reach rather than frequency. Which is more important?  We have a brief video that will shed some light on the subject:

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